Management and

Mr. Casagrande was mentored in concert promotion by Mr. Lee Walter (Lee Walter Associates) to promote performances at Carnegie Hall and Chicago's Symphony Center. Lee Walter Associates existed for over 50 years promoting performances at Carnegie Hall and in New York City, including Isaac Stern, Marian Anderson, the Juilliard String Quartet, etc. His work with bands included the University of Texas, University of Illinois, Texas A & M University, Michigan State University and University of Notre Dame, among others.
Mr. Casagrande worked closely with Mr. Walter and Lee Walter Associates in his performances conducting at Carnegie Hall. Mr. Walters' promotional efforts created audiences at Carnegie Hall of app. 1500-1800 people, respectively, on both occasions of his promotion of Mr. Casagrande's ensembles. In addition, Mr. Casagrande has performed on 3 separate occasions at Orchestra Hall in Chicago's Symphony Center and worked very closely with their booking manager. Audiences at Orchestra Hall were approximately 1200-1600 people in all three concerts.

Scott Casagrande Music will manage and promote Carnegie Hall concerts for the University of Texas Wind Ensemble (Jerry Junkin, Conductor), Duxbury High School Music Department (Jill Noerenberg, Robert Judge, Maria Varonko, Conductors) Lone Star Youth Winds (Andrew Trachsel, Conductor) and Missouri State University Symphony Orchestra (Christopher Kelts, Conductor) in 2024. Scott Casagrande Music will also manage and promote a Carnegie Hall concert for the Western Illinois University Wind Ensemble (Dr. Mike Fansler, Conductor) in 2025.
Promotional activities include:
a. Promotion of concert attendance. The commitment to an audience for your performance is a hallmark of our promotional efforts and what sets this opportunity apart from other promoters and travel agents.
b. Contract negotiations and help meeting deadlines.
c. Planning meetings with you and your stakeholders, as necessary.
d. Concert day assistance and trouble-shooting.
e. Familiarization tour of the concert hall, as necessary.
f. 24/7 assistance with any aspect of your promotion.